Flash Player 10.2 \\ StageVideo (新播放器,新API,视频优化者看)


Dear people of Earth, Flash Player 10.2 is out!//亲爱的地球人们(很给力的称呼),Flash Player 10.2 发布了!

There has been a lot of talk on the optimalisation of video rendering and the use of Stage Video API://这里有一些关于视频渲染优化,以及如何使用Stage Video API:(感觉所有网站要换播放器了)
So I decided to do a little benchmark test.//因此我决定做一个小的尝试。
Flash Player 10.2 without Stage Video API: fullscreen browser (1680×1050) //没有使用Stage Video API,全屏浏览
CPU 112%
Flash Player 10.2 with Stage Video API: fullscreen browser (1680×1050)//使用Stage Video API,全屏浏览
CPU 39.5%

HTML5 Video (Vimeo) small resolution (640×360)//HTML5小尺寸
CPU 63.7%
HTML5 Video (Vimeo) fullscreen (1680×1050)//HTML5大尺寸
CPU 100.7%
I think the Stage Video API is big step forward and we haven’t seen the last of it.//我认为Stage Video API 是比以往版本的很大进步
Here are the pictures://这里是图片。
Flash Player with Stage Video: CPU 39.5%
HTML5 Video fullscreen: CPU 100.7%
Flash Player without Stage Video: CPU 111.2%

HTML5 Video (640×360) CPU 63.7%


2 responses to this post.

  1. 我超期待youku换播放器…

